Tuesday 6 November 2007

Looking At Inspiration and More Textures:

When designing the tower room textures I wanted the furniture to match the room but I found that using a different type of design made the room look older and it works within the project. I decided to use an old carpet with torn pieces coming out and an old brick wall to give the feel of a old castle in ruins.

These are some more textures I looked at to use on my princess dress and hat. I found that making a textured dress is hard since it was an all in one and the bump tool either made the dress look to hard or to plastic as if its made of paper and it didn't really go all well as planed.

These are some images of inspiration of some Disney film that I liked and the scenery that is texture within them. The reason for liking them is that they have good colour and texture each set a different mood and by looking at certain furniture styles, you can see if a scene is old, new, magical and creative.

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